Reminder: Facebook Blocks Canadian News
As of August 2023, Facebook blocks Canadian news. This includes articles and news from Canadian news publishers such as CBC, the Globe and Mail, et cetera. However, it also includes local and regional news outlets like the Halifax Chronicle and the Vancouver Sun. This is in response to bill C-18, that has a "link tax".
If you post a link in your Facebook community group to a report from your local Canadian newspaper about something happening in your community, Facebook blocks your action.
People complain about "the algorithm", but before the algorithm has a chance to affect the outcome, the country's registered news organizations are banned from the platform. You can't even read CNN and BBC articles if they link to Canadian news sites.
Facebook, then, is not the best choice for Canadians to figure out a way forward during these unprecedented times.
Organize your Canadian communities off Facebook, and bookmark Canadian news sources wherever you read them.