Posting Policy for Surviving The Now
1. General Rules
Surviving The Now promotes free discussion, but users must adhere to these guidelines:
Respect others. No personal attacks, harassment, or threats.
No hate speech, discrimination, or promotion of violence against individuals or groups.
No illegal content, including defamation, privacy violations, or incitement to commit crimes.
No spam, advertising, or self-promotion.
2. Moderation & Flagging System
Comments are not pre-moderated, but users may report violations.
Admins retain the right to remove comments that violate this policy.
Users who repeatedly violate policies may be banned without refund (if applicable).
3. Liability Disclaimer
Users are responsible for their own content. Posting illegal material is grounds for account termination.
The Site does not endorse user-submitted comments.
The Site reserves the right to take down any content that poses legal or security risks.
Legal Protection & Liability Disclaimer
Surviving The Now is a volunteer-run website. The administrators are not liable for damages resulting from content posted by users.
All users must acknowledge and accept the Posting Policy before commenting.
By using this Site, you waive any claims against its operators for user-generated content.
Any disputes will be handled under the laws of British Columbia.
For any legal concerns, contact
This document may be updated periodically. Continued use of the Site constitutes acceptance of these terms.