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Canada's War

Posted by Strong on 2025-03-03

If you listen to our politicians, you might think Canada was in a trade war. Many Canadians are convinced we are engaged in an economic war.

We are in a war for our sovereignty. The first attack is economic. The second may end up being challenges in our arctic waterways. It does not have to come from the United States; it can come from Russia or China.

The US put a $500-billion dollar resource extraction price tag on Ukraine. What is the cost of protection to Canada if such an event occurs? The price of our freedom cannot be set by an adversarial nation that wants to annex us.

It will be too late to take appropriate action if we think of our current conflict as purely economic. Arctic security NOW is absolutely a necessary component of our continued sovereignty.

In the current federal election campaign, candidates are debating primarily economic issues. While that is indeed important, in the long run many of us will lose our jobs and life will become much more difficult without affordable government services. We need someone who can keep us focused and united through this.

As these issues become more pressing, my priorities for the coming election have sharpened. Our sovereignty is the priority, and I am looking for someone who can unite people in difficult times and who has the political will to build Canada's military to a level that can defend its vast territory. Having a handle on the economy is important, but not the whole picture.

An economist alone will not win Canada's war.

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